The Chollazos are unique products (maximum 3 units) that drop in price day by day, until reaching a maximum discount of 50%. In this category you will find interesting products, in high demand and novelties, so it is convenient to be attentive and review this section continuously.
Although the vast majority are completely new items, many of the products that we show in promotional videos are opened from their boxes and are placed in this section, being impeccable (unused).
Where can I buy chollazos?
How many can I buy?
What are the advantages of being a WeFish Pro with the Chollazos?
Descripción de Combo Caña Savage Gear SGS2 Shore Jigging y Shimano Spheros SW:
Producto CHOLLAZO. Este producto irá bajando su precio un 10% hasta que se quede sin stock. ¡No te quedes sin él!
Recommended for the Combo Caña Savage Gear SGS2 Shore Jigging y Shimano Spheros SW / 30-100g - 5000XG // SuperChollazo
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€19,99 EUR | €24,99 EUR
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€19,99 EUR | €24,99 EUR
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€19,99 EUR | €24,99 EUR
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