La cola está conectada al cuerpo, lo que le da una apariencia única a esta larva. Gracias a este diseño inusual, la larga cola, que es típica de los señuelos de Mann, tiene una amplitud de vibración más baja. Por otro lado, realiza un movimiento más apretado en el agua que los modelos tradicionales. Ideal para lucios y luciopercas.
Frequent questions
When will I receive the product?
In 24-48h you will be able to enjoy fishing with a new tackle in your backpack.
What is the delivery price?
Mainland Spain: Standard Shipping
Buy between €0.00 - €29.89 ➡ €4.99 shipping.
Purchase over €29.90 ➡Free shipping.
Mainland Spain: Express Shipping
Any amount of purchase ➡ €5.99 shipping.
Spain (Balearic Islands). Standard Shipping
Buy between €0.00 - €49.99 ➡ €6.99 shipping.
Buy between €50 - €99.99 ➡ €2.99 shipping.
Purchase over €100 ➡ Free shipping.
Portugal: Standard Shipping
Buy between €0.00 - €29.89 ➡ €4.99 shipping.
Purchase over €29.90 ➡Free shipping.
Do I have ADVANTAGES if I am WeFish PRO?
Of course! If you have our fishing APP and you are a WeFish PRO, you can enjoy many advantages:
The CHOLLAZOS section, where you can find a large selection of products and packs in reverse auction that reduce their price every day.
The new WALLET , for which we will refund 10% of all your purchases and 2% if you are not a PRO.
Access to the full version of our APP with which you can enjoy the fishing forecast, catch weather information, personalized and unlimited markers of your favorite fishing spots and wind speed.
Quick and hassle-free return
At WeFish we work so that you have the best shopping experience, but if you receive a wrong, defective or unwanted product, we promise to make a return within 24-48 hours and send you a new product quickly as long as we have it in stock. Otherwise, we will indicate the days necessary to receive your new product . You can make a return as long as no more than 30 days have passed since the order was received.
WeFish is responsible for the collection of the product , assuming the shipping costs in case of our error or use of the guarantee: breakage or defective product. If the return is due to a change of opinion on the part of the client, it will be he himself who must pay the shipping costs.
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2658654040.00 FISHUP FANCY GRUBLa cola está conectada al cuerpo, lo que le da una apariencia única a esta larva. Gracias a este diseño inusual, la larga cola, que es típica de los señuelos de Mann, tiene una amplitud de vibración más baja. Por otro lado, realiza un movimiento más apretado en el agua que los modelos tradicionales. Ideal para lucios y luciopercas.
AllAll except probes, gift cards and auctionAll except probes, shimano, gift cards and BocardeAll products except gift cardsAll products except probes and gift cardAll products except Probes, Gift Cards, Shimano and DaiwaAll with stock only WEBEnergoFish (Dealer)Fishing baitSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteenergoFishimageSeoFishup2024-09-11T11:42:43Z